Adams Keegan in the Community
and Service
Giving back is a verb, not a concept.
Our people-first approach to engagement means that we’re focused on what it means to be a good neighbor – including investing in the community around us, and partnering with many of our countless nonprofit clients or others in the community. We place a premium on people – not just our own. From internationally-known organizations to local charity events, we are dedicated to serving the communities in the cities where we operate by helping to empower people and share the goal of making our communities better places to live and work.
Our Charitable Giving Model
At Adams Keegan, we have a participatory model for how we pledge our charitable contributions on a quarterly basis. Our Charitable Donation Committee is composed of our previous Employee of the Year honorees drawn from employee-nominated TEAM Awards Winners. They meet quarterly to discuss and vote on donation requests submitted internally or externally. Our employees themselves select the great nonprofits we support while also personally contributing their own resources toward the investment in those nonprofits that is then matched by Adams Keegan, Inc.
For nonprofits who have been previously selected for contribution, AK has a standard 12-month rolling window before the same nonprofit can be considered for another donation from the committee.
To inquire about a donation or sponsorship for your organization or project, contact us.
Our Annual Long-Term Supported Partners

Everything Is Thanks to Their Sacrifice
Adams Keegan is predominantly veteran-owned, and we have a heart for the families of fallen special operators. We’re closely involved with the Special Operations Warrior Foundation as an active supporter. We can also advise you how you can financially and practically support the transformative work they do for America’s finest.
Additional Partners

Supporting What Brings Us Together
Adams Keegan is proud to be a supporter or sponsor of many other great charitable events and groups which include some listed below.